This is a very common question that comes up often and it isn’t exactly a black or white answer.

For the most part, the flea medications that you purchase from your vet are going to be safe and effective. However, occasionally there are some that we want to stay away from if your pet has an underlying issue, like seizures. Keep in mind that certain classes of flea medications can cause some underlying diseases to flare up or be triggered.

A lot of the issues that we see with flea medications are that when people opt for over-the-counter flea medications, particularly those that contain pyrethrins or permethrins. Cats especially can have severe reactions to the medication and can potentially die from them. This isn’t a ploy to get you to spend more money with your veterinarian, however it is simply recommend that you speak with your vet to see what they recommend for your senior pet. This will ensure that your dog or cat doesn’t have underlying issues that might make certain flea medications dangerous.

– Dr. B